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Just Give It 10 Minutes…Quick Workouts!

12:49 AM, Posted by healthsensei, No Comment

New York trainer Michael Gonzalez-Wallace's program: All he asks is 10 minutes a day, six days a week. He saves you time by combining standard gym classics—doing biceps curls while lunging. And the light weights and high repetitions Gonzalez-Wallace prescribes deliver a strength workout at the same time as an aerobic one. He also incorporates balance challenges such as standing on one leg while extending weights away from your core. But the best part about the plan is that it's fun, keeping you out of the yo-yo trap.

Days 1 and 4: Workout A

Days 2 and 5: Workout B

Days 3 and 6: Workout C

Start with two-to-five pound weights, although Gonzalez-Wallace says beginners can use standard full half-liter water bottles. Do one set of the exercises with 30 seconds of rest between each, then repeat. All together, this should take about 10 minutes.

A good measure of your effort is that you're breathing hard but still able to carry on a conversation. When the moves become easy and you need more of a challenge, you can increase the weight of the dumbbells by a pound or two, do more repetitions per set—25 to 30—or add an extra set of each exercise.

Workout A

Opposite arm and leg raises

Opposite Arm and Leg Raises

With a weight in each hand, arms at your sides, and feet about shoulder-width apart, curl your left arm to your shoulder and then raise it overhead while simultaneously lifting your right leg until your thigh is parallel with the floor. Repeat on the other side. That's one repetition; repeat 20 times for one set.

Lateral arm raises

Lateral Arm Raises

A: Start with your knees bent, feet splayed, a weight in each hand, and arms hanging.

B: Raise your arms straight out from your shoulders as you stand up on your toes, your heels about two inches off the ground. Return to starting position for one repetition; repeat 25 times for one set.

Jabs with eyes closed

Jabs with Eyes Closed

With legs apart, heels raised, arms bent, and hands with weights in front of your shoulders, close your eyes and throw a jab with your left arm to your right side. Bring your arm back and then throw a right jab to your left side. That's one repetition; repeat 20 times for one set.

Flies with bridges

Flies with Bridges

A: Start on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms with weights straight out from your shoulders.

B: Raise your hips until your thighs and trunk are aligned while bringing your arms directly over your chest. Return to starting position for one repetition; repeat 25 times.

Workout B

Tricep moves with knee raises

Tricep Moves with Knee Raises

With feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, and the weights in front of your shoulders, drop your right hand down and raise your arm back while lifting your left leg until your thigh is parallel with the floor. Return to starting position and then perform the move with your left arm and right leg. That's one repetition; repeat 25 times for one set.

Lunges with bicep curls

Lunges with Bicep Curls

A: Start in a lunge—left leg back, right leg bent with knee over your toe—with weights at your sides.

B: Push off with your left toe and raise your left leg until your thigh is parallel with the floor while curling the weights to your shoulders. Return to starting position. Repeat 15 times, then switch legs and do 15 more for one set.

Bicep curls, knee up, eyes closed

Bicep Curls, Knee Up, Eyes Closed

With feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight, and weights at your sides, close your eyes and lift your thigh until it's parallel with the floor while curling the weights to your shoulders. Hold this position 10 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat with opposite leg. That's one set. Repeat.

Chest presses with legs in air

Chest Presses with Legs in Air

Start on your back with both legs up, heels pointing at the ceiling, and arms in a chest press position (at a right angle to your trunk, bent at the elbows). Straighten your arms as you lift the weights over your chest while simultaneously opening your legs to the side slightly. Return to starting position for one repetition; repeat 25 times for one set.

Workout C

Leg and arm lifts

Leg and Arm Lifts

With weights at your sides and feet shoulder-width apart, perform a curl with the weight in your left hand while lifting your right leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to starting position and repeat with your right hand and left leg. That's one repetition; repeat 25 times for one set.

Side crunches with weight

Side Crunches with Weight

A: Start with one weight held in both hands over your head, feet shoulder-width apart. (To increase difficulty, start in a lunge position with your right leg back.)

B: Raise your right leg to the side until your thigh is parallel to the floor, while bending at the waist to the right. Return to starting position. Do 15 on the right side, then 15 on the left for one set.

Bicep curls, knee up, eyes closed

Bicep Curls, Knee Up, Eyes Closed

With feet shoulder-width apart, arms straight, and weights at your sides, close your eyes and lift your thigh until it's parallel with the floor while curling the weights to your shoulders. Hold this position 10 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat with opposite leg. That's one set. Repeat.

Opposite arm and leg raises

Opposite Arm and Leg Raises

Lying facedown with your forehead on a soft surface, arms by your sides, and toes on the ground, raise your right leg six to 24 inches off the ground (only as high as you feel comfortable). At the same time, raise your left arm. Return to starting position and then raise your left leg and right arm. That's one repetition; repeat 10 times for one set.

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